Alright everybody, this is really important. please spread to everyone you know. I have just recieved word that if 1 Million people comment on my blog by October 14th than the Governor General will declare the Green Party as the new majority government in Canada. Please spread quickly.
Do you remember when you used to get this sort of email from one of your buddy's in your hotmail account. 'Forward this to everyone on your list, or they are going to close hotmail'. I used to fantasize that it was actually a virus, but it wasn't, it was just dumbass gullible friends letting the culture of fear (fear of losing hotmail no less) get the better of them. The latest version of this is the 'If you join this than.... ' Facebook Group. I am not trying to lump in the 'If 1,000 people join I will shave my head' style groups, they are fun lighthearted, and often do accomplish whatever stupid goal that is set out by the creator. To those groups I say 'Create on oh Frat Boy Jock, create on'. I am talking about the Groups like "If 1,000,000 people join by the end of the year than they will turn Facebook back to the old version." I am becoming so tired of these groups for two major reasons. 1) The Sense of entitlement that is inferred in the title 2) The wasted use of democratic energy.
So as most people who use facebook know, they changed the layout again. Guess what? people are bitching. What is it about change on facebook that people so detest? The new facebook is just as useful as the old one, it just looks different (cleaner, more organized). So why are people moaning? because, as my ever faithful (I hope) future wife likes to say "CHANGEBAD" The kneejerk reaction to change causes people to react swiftly and in this case angrily. But heres the part where my sympathy is really lost. In the case of Facebook many people feel that they have a RIGHT to the old style facebook. Many of the groups that exist use phrasing which often states outright 'our right' or implies it. In the world of Facebook, users have no rights. In fact in the world of online memberships, users HAVE NO RIGHTS. Those wonderboys who created and administer it whatever their names may be have all the rights. Facebook is not owned by its members, it is a club which allows people to join. If the creator wanted to change it to a satan worshipping site, he could, it would be perfectly within his right to do so. So when the creators introduce a new system, they have every right to change it. the only reason they have to listen to their members is because they want to maintain membership. Let's face it, people arent going to stop using facebook tomorrow. They will eventually, sometime down the road Facebook will fade into oblivion, but people will have seen many other format changes before that day comes.
The second problem with these groups is the hypocrisy inherent in their creation. The fact that hundreds upon thousands of people will get up in arms about haveing to learn a new format in which to check out their bff's pictures of that wild party last year, is offensive. Where is the showing of democratic solidarity against a government which is slashing health care funding, or extending wars unncessarily. In my first blog I mentioned the disturbing decline in voter turnout, especially amongst youth. we (I use we because I fall into the demographic referenced as youth currently) are able to muster outrage and energy to bitch about facebook changes, yet we wont bother excercising our ACTUAL RIGHT to vote and participate in the governance of our daily lives. This sounds like the same arguement that all the old codgers yell about 'Kids today' but if we put aside our gut reaction to reject my cliched rant, it becomes clear that a reorientation of priorities is urgently need. So I say again, forget about facebook, it doesnt matter, lets look outside the bedroom window to the world we live in, and state clearly I WANT TO PARTICIPATE. Vote on October 14th please.
Cam for president!!! : ) I look forward to read about freedom of speech! : )
i concur. such outrage over Facebook, but none at funding slashes to health care and the arts. makes ya love the short-sightedness and head-up-assness of people, don't it?
keep on writing.
- Karen
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